AEEM MSc Theses
Alebachew Mulat Melese, 2024: Determining the Status of Ecological integrity of Gumara River Ecosystem Using Macroinvertebrates Assemblage in Lake Tana Sub-Basin Ethiopia
Endalih Mekonnen Mengistie, 2024: Assessment of Ecological Health using Benthic macroinvertebrates and Hydrological Alteration in Gilgel Abay River, Ethiopia
Abrham Amare Molla, 2024: Occurrence and Diversity of Parasites of Nile Tilapia from Small Scale Fish Farms and its Fingerling source: Implication on Small Scale fish farm Development in Ethiopia.
Yordanos Lemma Kudama, 2024: Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Types on Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Great Akaki River Catchment
Sumeya Bader Mohammed, 2024: Fish Helminth Parasites as an Accumulation Indicator of Heavy Metal Contamination in Lake Koka and Lake Ziway
Desalegn Tadesse Workie, 2024: Studies on some aspects of the biology of Labeobarbus intermidus in Gumera River, Lake Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia
Haymanot Yenesew Sewunet, 2024: Macroinvertebrate distribution in relation to habitat and physicochemical parameters in Bahir Dar, Lake Tana River mouth
Abel Feyissa Woldeyohanis, 2023: Land Use Change Effects on Major Nutrients, and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages along Wabe River, Gibe-Omo Basin, Ethiopia
Yordanos Getachew Kasahun, 2023: The Ecosystem functioning, trophic status, and energy flow of Lake Tinshu Abaya using the Ecological mass balance model
Yeabsira Kebede Kefyalew, 2023: Assessing the Impact of Multiple Stressors on the Water Quality of Legedadi River Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates Indices and Faecal Indicator Bacteria
Chacha Mulugeta Teshome, 2022: Influence of Dietary Phytase Supplementation in Niger Seed Cake-Based diets on Growth Performance and Digestibility by Juvenile Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L.
Habetamu Tadesse Tegod, 2022: Evaluation of formulated Compound dry feeds on growth performance and apparent digestibility of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1757) in Recirculating System
Fiyori Meberat Arefayeni, 2022: Impact of anthropogenic stressors on diversity, proximate composition and health of fish in selected upper and middle parts of River Awash
Muluken Getie Temesgen, 2022: The impact of deposited fine sediment on benthic macroinvertebrate composition and abundance in the central highland Chacha river, Debre Birhan area.
Abenezer Tafesse, 2020: Species composition, biomass and secondary production of major zooplankton in Legedadi reservoir
Tsegary Fisseha, 2020: Replacement of fish meal by mixture of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and lupin (Lupinus albus L.) in the practical diets of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)
Getacher Beyene, 2020: Phytoplankton functional groups dynamics in Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia: The effect of major influents and the interaction with zooplankton
Felegush Erarto, 2020: Habitat Use and Characterization of Young-of- the Year (YOY) of the Labeobarbus species in Gumara River, Lake Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia
Mekonen Hailu Tachbele, 2020: Fish parasites and the associated problems in value addition of commercially important fish species of Lakes Koka and Ziway, Ethiopia
Meseret Anteneh, 2019: Water quality assessment and trophic state of Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Kassahun Atalay Alehegn, 2018: Water Quality of Akaki rivers and its impact on irrigated vegetable farms
Aynalem Tilaye, 2018: Assessing the tolerance of zooplankton on Microcystis for water quality improvement in Ethiopia: enclosure study
Gebremedihin Gebreanenia, 2018: Evaluation of growth performance and body composition of three Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations under green house condition
Abere Fenta, 2018: Water Quality assessment with emphasis on selected heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in Aba-Samuel & Dire Reservoirs, Ethiopia
Birikti Miesho, 2018: Waste removal efficiency of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crasspies) in natural treatment system in Lake Koka, Ethiopia
Habtamu Getnet, 2018: Effects of Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) infestation on water quality and composition and abundance of phyto- and zooplankton in the littoral region of Lake Koka, Ethiopia
Helnata Tilahun, 2018: Key drivers for water quality in Dire and Legedadi Reservoirs
Million Tesfaye, 2018: Growth and stauts of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) stock in Lake Chamo, Ethiopia
Teklewoini Asayehegn, 2018: The food and feeding habits of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, (Burchell, 1822)) in Lake Koka, Ethiopia and anti-fatigue effects of its meat extracts
Amare Mezgebu, 2017: Stressor based water quality assessment using benthic macro-invertebrates as bio-indicators in streams and rivers around Sebeta, Ethiopia
Birke Mekonnen, 2017: Evaluation of Macrophytes for Effecient Hospital Effluent Treatment in Horizontal Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetland System
Getasew Amsalu, 2017: Allelopathic effects of Potamogeton schweinfurthii on natural phytoplankton community and Microcystis spp. and identification of potential allelopathic compounds in Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia
Yiblet Dagnachew, 2017: Survival rate, feed utilization and growth performance of fingerlings of African catfish, Clarias geriepinus (Burchell, 1822) at different stocking densities under dark condition
Abebe Tesfaye, 2017: Dietary overlap between exotic fish Cyprinus carpio and native Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Ziway, Ethiopia using gut content and stable isotope analysis
Elisabeth Asmare, 2016: Evaluation of the potential of saline spring water for the biomass production of Arthrospira (Spirulina) fusiformis
Berhanu Kebede, 2016: Comparative studies on diversity, relative bundance and some aspects of the biology of the commercially important fish species of two Ethiopian rift valley lakes: Lake Chamo and Lake Abaya
Tiruken Aziz, 2016: Cation dynamics in tilapia-lettuce aquaponics system in response to niger cake addition in fish diet as a major protein source
Tesfau Bekele, 2016: Carbon sequestration potentials of selected sites at Lake Ziway, Ethiopia
Tigist Fantu, 2016: The impact of Modio tennery on Modjo River: diatom-based water quality assessment